Homeless Issues Committee

Chair: Terry Ybanez (D3)

Contact Homeless Issues Committee

Interested in working on homeless issues for your neighborhood or community? 

Contact us at t1nc.sat@gmail.com 

Neighborhood Association Presentations

Interested in a presentation on issues of homelessness for your association/organization?

The following recently presented at several neighborhood meetings and residents agreed that the presentation was useful and interesting.


  • Ramon Gonzalez, Homeless Outreach Clinical Coordinator: Ramon.Gonzales@Sanantonio.gov
  • Billy Mahone III, Director of Community Engagement for SARAH:  billymahone@sarahomeless.org
  • Dawn White-Fosdick, President/CEO of Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM): dwhite@cam-sa.org
  • District Outreach Specialist
  • Neighborhood SAFFE Officer

Create a neighborhood flyer/pamphlet for residents to take home with valuable information.


 Residents have become frustrated with the issues surrounding chronic homelessness: issues of drug abuse and sales, porch and car thefts, and house fires because neighborhoods don't have the resources nor the knowledge or experience to deal with homeless issues, particularly chronic homelessness.  We also understand that homelessness is a mental health issue and these individuals can become targets of frustration. We seek to find humane responses to the plight of homelessness while also setting boundaries of behavior in our communities. 

Contact Your Outreach Specialist


Create realistic solutions to the housing and care of the unsheltered in our neighborhoods while also protecting neighborhoods against crime and vagrancy.

CoSA Strategic Plan for Homeless

(December 2020)
Update to the Planning and Community Development Council Committee (October 28, 2021)


posted August 2022

The Committee will meet the first Tuesday of the month.


The Committee has created

  • a Neighborhood Vacant Building/Encampment Toolkit and has compiled a list of the contacts for the DHS District Outreach Specialists.
  •  a template of a pamplet/flyer of immediate information for neighborhoods to adapt for their own use.
  • a contact list for presentations for association / neighborhood meetings.