Historic Districts Coalition

Join us Saturday, September 10, at 10 am

Mission Branch Library

3134 Roosevelt Ave


This Historic Districts Coalition is a collaboration between the Office of Historic Preservation, historic district residents, and other members of the public. The HDC provides a regular forum for historic district and neighborhood leaders, property owners, preservation advocates to engage with the City of San Antonio on preservation-related issues.


The HDC exists to:

  • Sustain ongoing awareness of issues that impact Historic Districts;
  • Provide input to OHP on initiatives;
  • Engage in productive dialogue and advocacy to inform policy recommendations;
  • Share updated information and programs offered by OHP and other relevant agencies and entities; and
  • Initiate programs and special projects pertaining to public education and neighborhood preservation


HDC Meetings are a place to:

  • Share ideas, information, and resources;
  • Present issues and develop solutions;
  • Learn about City policy or processes; and
  • Facilitate communication regarding pertinent issues.


Anyone with an interest in historic preservation issues in San Antonio is invited to participate! The HDC is a great resource for anyone engaged in, representing, or owning a historic property or a property that is following the historic designation process.


An additional HDC Steering Committee, led by volunteer participants, meets to discuss current issues and recommend meeting agenda topics. Individual Steering Committee members dedicate additional time to provide support and information at the neighborhood level. Volunteer participants are welcome to serve at any time.


The HDC meets on a quarterly basis. The next meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, September 10, at 10 am. Find this event on SAspeakup.com.


This meeting will provide an overview of OHP, new staff introductions, and general information about the review process in historic districts. We will also have an open forum to respond to current issues, questions and concerns, and identify topics of discussion for future meetings.


Click HERE to sign up to receive HDC alerts in the future. 


For questions or more information, please contact claudia.espinosa2@sanantonio.gov


T1NC Participation in the Historic District Coalition

 "The Gang of Eight", aka the Historic Districts Coalition Steering Committee includes T1 Historic Committee members:  Gemma Kennedy, Tony Garcia, Margaret Leeds, Monica Savino, Barbara Witte-Howell, and Ricki Kushner as well as Paul Kinneson, and Claudia Espinoza from Office of Historic Preservation (OHP).  We are focused on problems with historic buildings and the neighborhoods' interface with the OHP. We vetted the OHP's UDC amendments and lobbied for more neighborhood-friendly changes. And we met with OHP to decide the format and content of the upcoming Historic Districts Coalition meeting. We're compiling topics for future meetings, probably occurring at quarterly intervals.
The Historic District Coalition includes a mailing list, compiled over several years by OHP. The Gang of Eight is the first steering committee it's ever had. We started meeting in April or so, ad hoc. And sometime around that time we hooked up with OHP.

For more information contact t1nc.sat@gmail.com