Walk & Talk Neighborhood Toolkit

Examples from the recent Westwood Square Neighborhood Association Walk & Talk
Need help organizing your neighborhood Walk & Talk?
Contact: Alta Vista (Christina Wright), West End Hope in Action (Carlos Gonzales), Westwood Square (Velma Pena) with questions at t1nc.sat@gmail.com

Purpose: Walk & Talks are opportunities for neighborhood associations to meet the neighbors and make them aware of association while also affording residents an opportunity to share concerns such as code enforcement, crime, etc with staff and local officials who in turn, will provide out information to residents.
Refreshments : Water, coffee, paletas, breakfast tacos, etc.
Sign in Sheets
Agenda/ Schedule: Schedule times and before or after speeches.Mat
Possible Participants:
SAFFE, Code Enforcement, Chief McManus, Sheriff's Ofc, County Commissioners, Department of Human Services, Neighborhood Association, Council member, etc. Think also about partners
Some things to Consider:
Rules or suggestions: dog spray, masks, parking
Other: Music from local school - band, drumlins, choir
Costs/Donations Requests: HEB, local nonprofits, churches, council office, etc.
Possible Partnerships: Westwood Square partnered with the D5 CW Castillo's office for help, West End Hope in Action partnered with Haven for Hope for help.
Sample Schedule